Monday, February 28, 2011

Hot Air Balloons

Hello 6th Grade,
As you all know we are going to begin building our balloons today. I hope that you are all looking forward to launching them. Please tell me how the hot air balloons tie into what we have been discussing in class, force, gravity, motion, etc.

Thanks and have a great week,
Mrs. Lippert


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Lippert,
The hot air balloons tie into what
we are doing because for science because you have to have force for the balloon to go up and gravity to pull it back down.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lippert,
I am really looking foward to launching them. They tie in since they defy gravity and has motion and force.
by Necro64

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs Lippert
For the balloons the are going to get air and it is going go in the balloon and in is going to float
have a nice day

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lippert,
I am looking forward to launching the hot air balloons. Also it ties into the gravity because it goes up so it has to come down and the hot air is the force that makes it float in the air.

Your Friend,

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lippert,

Hot air balloons incorporates force, motion, and gravity. It shows these things motion by its floating force because of the air and gravity because it floats.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lippert,
The hot air balloons ties into force because you have to launch it into the air which is a force. It relates to gravity because when we launch it it will then start to fall back to Earth. It relates to motion because it will be moving in the air.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Lippert,
The balloons defy gravity with propane. They seem really fun. They tie into class with gravity and motion.

vikingfan 44

Anonymous said...

I think that the hot air ballons are a great idea! Because it has to do with motion since it's going up in the sky instead of getting pulled down with gravity, also it has a push that forces it to go up!\
Good Bye,
Stud Muffin

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lippert

Well the force of the light/hot
air makes the baloon go up. That deals with gravity, motion and force so that is what it ties into.


P.S. Hi

P.S.S. Hi

P.S.S.S.S. I like penut butter

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lippert,
Hot air balloons use force to float into the air, which is also where the motion happens, then gravity eventually pulls the balloon down to the ground.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Lippert,
The ballon defys gravity by useing heat to propel it upward.
Have a great week too,

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Lippert
I am looking forward to launching the baloons. It ties in because the force of the launcher puts the baloon in motion and gravity pulls it down.
pie flavor

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs.Lippert!
How they have been tieing into the discussion is that force that blows into the balloon pushes it in the air and the gravity that pulls it down.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.Lippert
Well the balloons are going to launch but when we launch them the push and pull will help to set them off plus the gravity pull will have a huge affect on it to.
;) zip N splashed

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lippert,
Force pushes the baloon up and when the baloon runs out of air the gravity pulls it down. The motion would also help it go down.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lippert,
I am really exited that we are now building our balloons. When the balloon is in the sky it is in motion. As the balloon rises it is over coming earths gravity, so it is not bieng held down. The air pushing agianst the balloon is the force to keep it moving.

Have a GREAT week,

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs Lippert,
I am looking forward to launching the balloon it's really fun making them. They go good with what we're learning in class because the force, gravity, and motion makes the balloon go up into the air.
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lippert,
I'm super duper excited to launch the balloons. I think that the hot air is the force that sends the balloon up, and gravity pulls it down.
Loopy forever,

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. lippert

I think the hot air balloon project is going well. I am a little neuroses for the use of pro paint. i am looking forward to see how the force works to get the balloon


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lippert
I am looking forward to the balloons and it ties into the lesson because when we launch them there is force when the air pushes the balloon into the air. The balloon is also in motion when it is sailing through the air.
Lucky #1

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Lippert,
I am really looking forward to launching the hot air balloons.
My little brother Robbie and my Grandma wanted to come watch, is that OK? If it is where are we planning on launching?
Any way the hot air balloons tie into what we have been doing in class by using force from the propane tanks to go up, and the wind if there is going to be any causes motion and gravity causes the balloon to come down.

Sincerely, snoopy:)

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Lippert,
I am very excited to launch our hot air balloons! This project ties into what we have been learning in class because the force of the gas going into the balloon. The direction is going to be where the balloon travels and gravity will bring the balloon back down. I hope that you are also VERY excited to launch our balloons and even our catapults.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs.Lippert,

I cant wait for launching them!! Its been tying in by what we have been doing because when the cars went down the track by force. So the hot air balloons would go up because of the force of it pushing on it to make go up.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lippert
I'm looking forward to launching hot air balloons too. The wind is the force because the wind pushes the hot air balloon.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Lippert

You need force to pull the balloon off the ground. Also you need gravity to pull the balloon back to the ground.

swish star

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Lippert,
I am really excited to launch our hot air balloons on Friday! The hot air balloons tie into what we have been discussing in class. Hot air balloons use force and gravity because once it is full of propane and launches up it has to do with motion and force at the same time.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lippert
I'm looking forward to the hot air balloons too. The wind is the force because the wind pushes the hot air balloons.

Alfonso Rangel

Anonymous said...

hi mrs lippert,
the gravity pulls the balloons down and the the force is the hot air and the motion is the wind.
your friend,

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lippert,
I am excited to begin our balloons. Force is where we push the balloon into the air and gravity will pull the balloon back down to the ground. Motion will be where it goes into the air.

uncle freako

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lipport,
So the launcher will blow up the balloon and gravity will slowly bring it down. The wind will move the balloon the way it is blowing.
basketball pro4

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lippert,
The hot air balloons tie into our class discussion by talking and involving force.

Tifa Lockheart

Anonymous said...

Dear.Mrs Lippert,
I am happy to build the balloons and also hope we lunch are balloon pretty high and the force is like puts pressure on it also the gravity is don't put that much weight on it.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Lippert,
It has to do with when the gas fills up the balloon it pushes up on the balloon part and causes it to float.

Your Student, Elephant5o5

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Lippert,
It ties in because force from the hot air makes it flot up.
Your student,

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lippert,
The ballons go with motion, force, and gravity becase when it moves it is in motion. When the balloons land they are being pulled down by gravity. And force is a push or pull movement. With motion(the wind) it is a push movement. Gravity is a pull movement since it is being pulled down to Earth.
The ballons are very fun to make and I hope they go far!