Friday, January 28, 2011


Hey 6th Grade,
I hope you all have a great weekend. Some of you asked who I thought should win the Superbowl, I think that Green Bay should win because they haven't won it for awhile. Please tell me an activity that you would like to do in Science class.

Have a great weekend and week,
Mrs. Lippert

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Solution!!

Hey 6th Grade,
A solution is made when a solute, such as salt, and a solvent, such as water, are mixed together. Hopefully this makes sense for those of you who did not understand what a solution was. As many of you know that Green Bay Packers and the Pittsburg Steelers are in the Superbowl, please tell me who you want to win.

Have a great day and great week,